Be transformed, first, by the renewing of your mind.
Marva Goldsmith & Associates are known best for their ability to create experiences that lead to transformation -- in career, business, and image -- providing different perspectives of their work and career through the application of leadership, image and brand management principles.
Believe it or not … the judgment game is played every day! Your employees can be a great asset to building corporate brand equity, but they can also cause your organization's image to suffer. Their first impressions are the most important when establishing a positive reputation.
The Image Matters workshop will engage your employees in an educational and interactive experience that will benefit them for a lifetime. Your organization will receive a strategic tool to manage and sustain brand management.
A strong leadership brand propels others to follow, believe, trust, and purchase.
​Personal branding is at the forefront of career and professional development. It is a strategic process for maximizing your personal assets, credentials and strengths.
MG&A will help you package yourself in a way that aligns image with vision; and determine the best market channels and tactics to reach your goals.
Are leaders born, or can they be developed?
This question has been debated for hundreds of years. Is leadership a part of one's DNA -- are you born with certain leadership traits -- or does the opportunity to lead provide the catalyst from which great leaders emerge?
MG&A provides workshops, experiential learning activities and coaching to aid in the development of leaders that are equipped to lead change, people and organizations.